North Shore, Lake Ontario
The day was sunny, cool and very windy, which suggested to me that the conditions for good visibility over the lake would be considerably improved. We had had three weeks of hazy, hot and humid weather and I could barely see where sky and water met. When I caught my first glimpse of the lake, it was brilliant blue and the horizon was very clear.
Yachts were gently sailing back and forth. Ducks, geese and swans were drifting by, and everything felt so peaceful. The lake surface was fairly calm with small ripples. The wind had dropped, and the atmosphere felt really good.
Foxy came to visit, but she looked so thin. The wildlife here are having difficulties due to all the new monster homes being built.
The orbs were appearing over the lake somewhat east of the Niagara River in the "dark area." Here is a set of frames from video tape showing the submersion of a golden orb at 22.45h. Frames read from left to right.
This was recorded on the Panasonic VHS-C camera and shows the yellow colour of the orb rather well.