Preview: Sky Canada Report from the Office of the Chief Science Advisor of Canada
WELCOME TO PROJECT ORBWATCH. (Founded March 1997 and Launched February 1998)
This website contains some of our archived research and documentation of the anomalous light phenomena recorded over and around Lake Ontario from 1997 to 2015.
Video material had to be removed due to certain parties who persisted in copyright infringement.
However, our research into the anomalous aerial phenemona that we have been investigating since 1993 continues.
Currently working on more use of VLF/ELF receivers to detect any unusual and unseen phenomena in the local environment.
Please note that we are not associated with any other websites that may have taken "ORBWATCH" as their name. See LEGAL AND COPYRIGHT.
Thank you for visiting.
(Below are some frames from VHS video recorded from Oakville, Ontario, 21 May 1997.
Please click on image to view more details)

PROJECT ORBWATCH is a Canadian not-for-profit organisation founded in 1997 and originally based in Milton, Ontario. We were maintaining frequent observation sessions on the north shore of Lake Ontario after having first seen anomalous lights behaving in unusual manner back on 22nd March 1997.
PROJECT ORBWATCH then relocated to the Niagara region in the summer of 2000. We continued our monitoring of Lake Ontario until June 2006 and then made the move to a more northerly area of Ontario.
We do still occasionally make visits to Lake Ontario when the opportunity arises.
NOTE: When reference is made to "orbs" we are not referring to the often translucent spheres that are sometimes detected in digital photography.
An article discussing such spheres may be read on Europaranormal.
The above referenced book contains interesting sightings of strange aerial craft over Lake Ontario during the 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries.
Sadly for all of us, Hugh Cochrane passed on in the summer of 1999. A group of us had visited him at his home in Toronto during the summer of 1998 and enjoyed a fascinating afternoon hearing about his research. We had the opportunity of showing Hugh some of the video footage that had been taken during early sorties to the lake. His book, published in 1980, is very hard to come by, but there are some copies available in public libraries in Ontario.
Here is a short quote from his book, "Gateway to Oblivion:"
"It was a strange sight that confronted residents of Morristown, New York, and Brockville, Ontario, on February 14th 1915. Aircraft were still relatively new and were an oddity that attracted the public's attention. But for the residents of these two St. Lawrence River communities the aircraft that appeared in the skies above them were more than just an attraction; they were downright weird. When these three aircraft first passed over during the evening, they caused a commotion because few such machines had ever been seen in that area. When they returned a few hours later, they created an even greater commotion.
According to the account carried in the New York Times on February 15, the aircraft were first seen near Gananoque, Ontario, forty miles southwest of the Morristown-Brockville area. At that time, the three aircraft were on a northeast course almost paralleling the St. Lawrence River. On the return trip they travelled southwest, pausing along the way.
Just how these objects were able to hover in flight when such aircraft had not been invented is a question difficult to answer. Even more difficult to explain is how such aircraft could carry the equipment necessary to power the powerful searchlights, whose beams, according to witnesses, were swept back and forth, illuminating the communities.
This problem caused enough concern among the residents of Brockville that the mayor requested the Canadian Government to provide an immediate answer. The government's reply suggested that what the residents had seen were balloons, not aircraft. They did not say who the owners of the balloons might be, nor did they attempt to explain how a balloon could hover in a wind or travel in a direction opposite to it.
.........In most of the accounts there is mention that there were three dark objects, and at times each had been accompanied by bright lights. These match the description being supplied today by observers in the same area who are reported to have seen UFOs."
(on Internet Archive)
by the late Harry B. Picken, Aeronautical Engineer.
which is mentioned in less detail in Hugh Cochrane's book:
Gateway to Oblivion - the Great Lakes' Bermuda Triangle
The Unexplained Objects
Another extract from Hugh Cochrane's book
Globes of Fire
From the Diary of Mrs. John Graves Simcoe (1791)