During the summer of 1994 I was in England and out browsing an interesting bookshop in Windsor. A black book caught my eye. The details of the book are below. I didn't even read the book for several months, but on looking back, it was the starting point from where I proceeded to delve into the mysteries of Lake Ontario, and three years before the synchronicities that led two friends and myself to find ourselves on the north shore of the lake on 22nd March 1997.
Traveling further North, you'll find any number of UFO bases scattered throughout Canada. Though some of them may be located in the "wilds" from what we hear, there is a stronghold of Dero as well as Greys right under Toronto.
If you're looking for proof, my suggestion would be to take a summer vacation and camp out a couple of hours each night on the banks of Lake Ontario. Some pretty weird things have been seen from both the Canadian and American sides. The UFOs seen here are pretty much always the same. They are orange-colored spheres which have the ability to dart across the heavens at incredible speeds, while at other times hover silently like diamonds twinkling in the evening sky. First they shoot out of "nowhere," and then land for a moment or two on the water itself before submerging into the depths of Lake Ontario. If there isn't an underwater UFO base on Lake Ontario, I'll eat my green beret.
Indeed, the strange behavior on the Lake has convinced several UFO researchers living in the area that the occupants of these craft have constructed underwater bases from which they are free to roam into nearby space without being easily detected. Further proof that these reports should be taken seriously comes in the form of startling photographic evidence - pictures that show bizarre, highly illuminated lights whose origin remains totally unknown at this date.
According to Malcolm Williams, researcher for the Northestern UFO Organization, infrared photos taken in the dark of night from the shores of Lake Ontario show all sorts of anomalies which cannot be either conventional aircraft or meteorological phenomena. Taken on various occasions, the photos show a pattern of lights in the sky which are definitely under intelligent control as they zig zag from one position to another in the heavens. One photo shows an object actually resting on top of the water, apparently about ready to make a plunge beneath Lake Ontario.
Many of the photos taken by Malcolm Williams, a former member of the Royal Astronomical Association, were done from a position which would indicate that the main area of interest is over the lake between Oakville and Toronto. This theory is supported by Harry Picken, an aeronautical engineer, pilot, and past president of Genaire Ltd., a St. Catharines' aircraft research firm. Picken, who owns a home right on the banks of the lake, has been keeping tabs on the aerial movements near his property for years. One of the most peculiar things the engineer has noticed is that the lights are usually orange, a color foreign to aircraft lights. "The orange color indicates to me a high sodium content in the light source. Sodium is never used in conventional aircraft lighting," he further points out.
Both Harry Picken and Malcolm Williams believe that the UFO activity over Lake Ontario is somehow related to the fact that a high voltage hydro generating station is located at nearby Lakeview. The UFOs have been seen repeatedly to lift up from the lake and head in the direction of the plant.
Over the years, many odd occurrences have taken place in and around Lake Ontario. In his book, "The Great Lakes Triangle," Jay Gourley tells of several air mishaps in this very locale, adding substance to the theory that something totally "alien" is operating in and around this body of water.
"There is little doubt that the pilot of the twin jet CF-101 Canadian Air Force interceptor, number 18112, knew he was in trouble on August 23, 1954," Gourley states in his well researched reference work on the subject. "He was near Ajax, Ontario, on the north shore of Lake Ontario. He bailed out. He explained later that the aircraft became impossible to control. Publicly, the Canadian Defense Headquarters refused to reveal the cause of the accident. The official cause is classified secret. I have seen this secret file. It says the scientists who studied the case could not determine what caused the jet to become unmanageable." It could be that UFOs utilizing highly magnetized equipment beneath the surface could have accidentally or purposely pulled the aircraft out of the sky.
Canadian researcher Ivan Boyes is one of the few UFOlogists I know of from this hemisphere who realizes that it may be more profitable to look "closer to home" for UFOs, rather than wander aimlessly out among the stars searching for a solution to this bonafide mystery.