A Scientific Analysis
by Paul R. Hill
Hampton Roads Publishing Company Inc.
ISBN 1-57174-027-9
Note: I find it very interesting to go back to
Paul R. Hill's book "Unconventional Flying
Objects" - A Scientific Analysis.
After all the sightings that I have had over Lake Ontario, I feel it useful to include here some quotes from his book as they apply to my observations - ed.
A condensed statement of repeated observations
The nighttime neon-like, solid-color luminescence emanates from an envelope of air around the objects like a halo, rather than from the vehicle directly. This halo tends to obscure the vehicle, making the edges indistinct, as we will explore further.
Around saucers and Saturns, the halo is most concentrated near the rim, more extensive below than above. A unique cone of illuminating air is sometimes present below a saucer, giving it an ice-cream-cone appearance.
This maneuver surprises the witness because it isn't in the repertoire of Earth vehicles. It is actually an extreme acute-angle turn (180 degrees.)
The motions are in every way comparable to the motions of a conventional aircraft - a familiar one at last!
While not actually a maneuver, this observation, which I have confirmed, is important. UFOs tilt to perform all maneuvers. For example, they sit level to hover, tilt forward to move forward, tilt backwards to stop, bank to turn etc.
Unconventional objects have been observed submerging into and emerging from bodies of water, as well as floating on the surface, often enough to form a pattern.
UFOs appear to have preferred observational habits.
Among preferred snooping sites are defense installations, hydroelectric installations, dams and lakes. They also give preference to lone individuals or small groups and to isolated cars. They are sometimes attracted by blinking light signals.
UFOs are most often observed at dusk or early evening. They are frequently seen travelling or maneuvering over water, just off shore. They sometimes return to a given area within minutes or hours or return the following day, as though they had not concluded their observations."
In a later chapter, Paul Hill discusses
and ends this section with the following comments:
"The dazzling maneuver performance of UFO scout ships seems to result from their being over-designed for the investigation of planet Earth. If the UFO mission is stellar and planetary exploration, the high-g capability they demonstrate would enable them to explore giant planets with gravitational fields on the order of 100 times Earth gravity. Exploring Earth is UFO PLAY.
Because of my career as a research scientist, in several instances such as the present one pertaining to UFO maneuvers, I have had advanced knowledge of UFO technology but was effectively muzzled by the NACA policy laid down by its Director, Dr. Hugh L. Dryden, that UFOs are non-existent. This policy impacted me in the form of specific orders from the front office to say nothing implicating the NACA with the UFO.
Finally and most importantly, it must be said that in all UFO maneuvers the laws of physics with which we are familiar are adhered to. THE LAWS OF PHYSICS ARE NOT DEFIED. Most statements to the contrary are the result of the observer not understanding the acute-angle turn, the sudden reversal, etc. Some observers have failed to differentiate between things happening quickly and things happening instantly. When events happen in fractional seconds, human observational capabilities are quite limited (Section II). The stage magician can make things disappear instantly for those who choose to believe it, using elastic bands and accelerations much smaller than the UFOs use."
Of all UFO aspects, the study of the UFO occupants is the most fascinating. If we follow the Lorenzen's lead, we generalize that the occupants come in three sizes: diminuitive, about a meter tall (the majority); human size, 5 to 6 feet (the second most populous); and giant, 8 or 9 feet (relatively few).
The meter-sized occupants come mainly as humanoids, with a minority of hard, tough, hair-covered, animal-like creatures with claws and large, glaring yellow eyes that are really frightening. I often wonder if these "animals" are smarter than humans. At least they have better transportation.
The great majority of the occupants could not pass for human beings. This always makes me wonder why people like to quibble over whether UFOs are extraterrestrial. When non-human aliens are seen de-boarding from strange spacecraft, who do they think they are?
With high-performance starships and scout ships for local runs, they seem very well-equipped to get here from any home base within a thousand light years, and no telling how much further. The fact that our humanoid alien visitors come in such a variety of sizes and types, and that the detailed designs of the scout ships vary so markedly, points to the conclusion that our visitors are from no one place, but that we are seeing a parade of visitors from various and numerous stellar civilizations.
The high sighting rate of UFOs gives the impression that stellar civilizations are closer together than estimated by exobiologists. Exobiologists come up with numbers like an advanced civilization every 100 light years or more. Of course, they are referring to planetary environments both so favorable and so old that intelligences developed there. They say that, with stellar explorations issuing from these centers, we should be visited less often than reported.
On the opposite hand, if we assume that most of the suitable planets of the F, G and K stars have been colonized by the UFO parade, if not otherwise occupied, we might put the average distance between civilizations in our part of the galaxy at an order of magnitude less than the experts estimate, including Alpha Centauri (widely-spaced triplet including a star nearly identical to the Sun) at 4 light years, Epsilon Eridani at 11, Tau Ceti at 12 light years, and so on.
A related point is that many aliens seem very sensitive to light. If these have colonized and adapted to planets of the highly numerous red stars, this would change the whole civilization distribution picture, but would be consistent with UFO data.
The main evidence as to the aliens' purpose here (unless you choose to believe those who go out in the other dimension to chat with our visitors and report that they are here to save us) is that our visitors are collecting samples of everything imaginable. They collect soil, minerals, water, wild and domesticated plants, wild and domesticated animals, even people on occasion. This makes me think that UFOs are manned by scientists and their staffs on cosmic exploration. If good planetary living sites are becoming scarce, aren't the aliens apt to be gathering data on which to base the choice of new homesites?
The aliens have been very aloof. Now that the Air Force has stopped intercepting, and if others would also be more cordial (stop shooting), attitudes might change.
If friendly aliens encountered an inquisitive scientist instead of Mr. John Doe, just think what he, and we, might learn!
Such contact is probably our only chance for a quantum jump in knowledge.
A Scientific Analysis
Paul R. Hill
Copyright © 1995 Julie M. Hill
Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc.
Charlottesville VA.
ISBN 1-57174-027-9