My colleagues and I made various excursions to the lake shore, and saw these "miniature suns" on numerous occasions. I also believe that the strange lights over Hamilton harbour which I had captured on video tape are these very same "suns."
The weather became progressively more inclement for good observation on the lake. Some nights had thick fog or heavy rain.
However, we then decided, on New Year's Eve, to go down and celebrate the arrival of the New Year of 1998 on the beach where we had had our very first sighting back on March 22nd 1997. We then went into Toronto to the Royal York Hotel for a New Year's Eve celebration.
Later on that evening Mick and I decided to get back to our Oakville viewing location ready for midnight. No-one else would likely be on the beach at this time of night with a temperature of around -16 degrees Celsius.
We arrived at our usual location and things were very quiet.
At the stroke of midnight fireworks were let off at many places around the lake and church bells could be heard ringing in the New Year. Icy breath, and stamping of feet.
Suddenly, at about three minutes after midnight, a large golden orb made an appearance at an elevation of approximately 10 degrees above the horizon.
It appeared stationary, moved slightly eastwards, stopped again, and then winked out.
A good start to the New Year.