copyright ©T. Roy Dutton 1999, All Rights Reserved
T. Roy Dutton updated his track option charts for the UFO "base" in Lake Ontario. The following is quoted from a letter he wrote on December 31st 1998.
Please refer to Roy's Astronautical Theory regarding the "track options" mentioned below.
I investigated a few sites around that UFO site (in the lake) to see if the computer would be able to recognise another track or tracks which could apply within the imposed distance limits of, say, less than 30 miles of the site.
After a few tries - EUREKA! There were two tracks situated 20 miles to the south of the UFO site and running almost due East-West. Now it so happens that the computer, as currently programmed, has great difficulty in recognising that state of affairs.
Anyway, when the timing lines for those extra tracks were plotted out, the picture began to look much better. The extra lines have been drawn in by hand on the UFO site graph. The tracks appear to run over Wellandport and are labelled 8 and 9. The crosses on the timings graph correspond to the timings of your video-taped events.
It looks as if we're going to be kept very busy in 1999. Enclosed is a list of key dates for UFO activity throughout the year. Most of them seem likely to be the sort that you and the rest of CSETI have been hoping for.
Watch out for the ETs in person! The planets are just right for them on 10 occasions. (As you know, this isn't astrology, it's science.)
©T. Roy Dutton 1999. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED