On April 18th I decided to travel around the lake and set up on the south shore. It was bitterly cold, yet again around -19 degrees C, and the wind was biting into my partner and I.
On this occasion, I was accompanied by a gentleman called Paul, whom I had met one day whilst having my car repaired. He had been around at the time of the Roswell incident and actually recalled the item in the newspaper the day after the aforementioned incident. He was very excited to have the opportunity of seeing the orbs with me. It was wonderful to see this older gentleman having his first orb experience, and he was having as much fun and excitement as a small child seeing a magic trick for the first time!
My next trip to the south shore was on May 18th and this turned out to be quite an interesting evening. The weather was slightly warmer by now. I was only on the shore for about 45 minutes, but in that time, I succeeded in videotaping 15 unexplained objects submerging into the lake. At one stage there were several of these objects, seemingly lined up like planes approaching an airport. As they came down towards the water's surface, they would brighten up considerably, and seemingly increase in size, before disappearing from view.
I became rather excited, but the rain came in over the lake, and the project was abandoned after only half an hour of taping. So, being with two members of my family, it was decided to adjourn to a nearby hostelry for refreshments. We discussed the events over dinner, and everyone admitted that they really did not know just what those objects were.