As I said previously, by the mid-90s the UFO crash was becoming quite a raging topic and increasingly so. Clearly, there was something on Cader Berwyn that night and whatever it was, the Authorities wanted it debunking.
The metal fragment Margaret Fry ultimately received was seemingly the earliest attempt to seed duff info' into the UFO community on this particular event. However, the case wasn't going away and it appears the Authorities who wanted this interest quelling were starting to get desperate.
In 1996 a man called John Williams moved into a house a few miles from the town of Corwen and soon set about contacting Margaret Fry. At the time, she was the foremost researcher into the Berwyn case and in 1997 she had made a first visit to John Williams at his home. He then told Margaret an amazing, indeed incredible, story of how the UFO on Cader Berwyn, crashed.
Note: at this point that it is the one UFO crashed on Cader Berwyn. Just one UFO.
Recall that in 1997 no one disbelieved a UFO had crashed on Cader Berwyn.
John Williams told Mrs Fry that the UFO on Cader Berwyn had crashed as a result of being involved in an altercation with warships off the North Wales coast near to Puffin Island - Puffin Island is a tiny islet a few hundred yards off the larger island of Anglesey which is separated from the mainland by the Menai Strait.
He told her that warships had been hunting submerged UFOs and had forced two out of the water by Puffin Island. One vanished and one got entangled in a confrontation where the UFO was fired upon successfully. It retaliated, allegedly damaging a ship and killing and injuring several naval ratings.
At no point has any ship been identified or has any evidence of casualties been found. At no point has any person claiming to be involved in any marine or terrestrial UFO shoot-out or clean-up linked to the Berwyn Mountains ever produced a single shred of evidence or proof supporting such claims beyond hiding behind excuses why such cannot supply further information.
The damaged UFO fled across Anglesey appearing to head for the open sea between Wales and Ireland. At some point it was intercepted by military aircraft, forcing it to change direction, re-cross Anglesey and the Menai Strait, then pass over the mainland near to the city of Bangor. The UFO was pursued by jets following roughly the A5 trunk road which is the London to Holyhead road and which cuts right across North Wales.
Near Capel Curig, a village on the A5, one of the aircraft fires two missiles and successfully hits the UFO. It is now stricken and eventually crashes onto Cader Berwyn.
Now, it is important to observe the time of all this. Working backwards from the crash which must have occurred soon after 8.30pm and which UFO enthusiasts associated the explosion sound and earth tremor with the impacting UFO, it seems reasonable to propose that the UFO and its companion were forced out of the sea near Puffin Island perhaps 30 mins earlier.
So, assuming it was about 8pm, and bearing in mind this was January 23rd, it was dark and had been since about 5 pm. Yet an unidentified witness(es) observed a jet successfully firing missiles at the pursued UFO, and presumably the UFO then firing back at the jet which then crashed.
Russ Kellett has frequently appeared in the press holding a blob (see Appendix Three) of what looks like previously molten metal claiming it came from the damaged UFO at Capel Curig which was 'dripping/or leaking' this substance.
So in the pitch black of a January evening in 1974 someone saw a pursuit, an exchange of fire, a dripping spaceship and a crashing Harrier. Then some years later Mr. Kellett gets a blob of that metal and a piece of the crashed jet's engine (see extract from Flying Saucer Review, Spring 2007 in Appendix Three) - both supplied to him via JW - which is evidence of the event!!!
John Williams didn't seem to notice that it was dark when this happened. In his story to Margaret Fry (she visited him at his house on at least two occasions and accompanied by others), he told her of Five Professional Gentlemen who had discovered the UFO crash retrieval. They had researched the event after witnessing this clean-up and had created documents to show how events had unfolded. Mrs. Fry saw these documents but was unable to study them as she never physically had the chance to take them away and examine their content.
John Williams claimed these five men had passed the information to him to pass to someone in the UFO research field who could take the investigation further. It seems as Mrs. Fry was the foremost researcher at the time, she was targeted by John Williams.
This version of the story goes that the Five Professional Gentlemen (all unidentified and all local men though no one knows who they are!!!), were travelling back from Bala having been to a meeting. They were near Corwen having passed Llandderfel and through Llandrillo when the earth tremor struck (8.38pm). For some strange reason, they decided to about turn and return the way they'd come to see what had happened.
Note: here that most drivers would leave Bala and travel along the A494 to its junction with the A5, then go right if heading towards Corwen as it is a better road, faster and more direct. These five men left the A494 outside of Bala, taking the B4401 to Corwen, a dark, twisting, tortuous route. Llandderfel and Llandrillo are on this narrower road. If going to Corwen, or to access the Ruthin road or villages along the A5 such as Maerdy, the most usual route would have been along the A494 to the A5.
Now an earth tremor is an earth tremor. It will have an epicentre and, depending on its magnitude and the rocks passed through, people will feel it in various ways. It was odd straightaway that anyone would turn their car around to go and look for something as a result of a tremor. The epicentre could have been 12 miles away or 112 miles away. It is ludicrous. Yet, that is what John Williams told Mrs. Fry what the five men did and he expected her to swallow it.
Returning along the B4401, the five men discovered the crashed UFO near Llandrillo and watched while the military dealt with both dead and alive aliens then watched some more as the mostly intact spacecraft was manhandled onto the back of a lorry. It seemed to be obligingly hovering or lifting itself off the ground. The five men then departed.
Of course the story was suspicious because Margaret Fry knew full well that the UFO had crashed on Cader Berwyn and the crash site was nowhere near Llandrillo, so the five men's story as related to her by John Williams couldn't be correct.
It seems John Williams tried his best with Margaret to sell her the story but perhaps he needed to be 100% convinced that she would become the sucker he needed before entrusting her with the documents compiled by the five men? He needed them to be accepted, not studied and discredited.
And Margaret wasn't the only person John Williams tried to sell his hoax to. He endeavoured to get a video recording studio to make his story into a film or documentary for broadcast, potentially reaching a very large audience indeed. It has been a theme to try and get this hoax story broadcast. Even Russ Kellett, but perhaps for more personal reasons, has frequently mentioned that the story would make a great film.