The Berwyn Mountains UFO Incident - 23rd January 1974

An ongoing investigation into a hoax built up around a real UFO event

Five - Tony Dodd

By 1999, Margaret was still not convinced by John Williams but two things happened in that year which changed the course of events.

In 1999, Tony Dodd had his book published, titled Alien Investigator, an account of his case files. Among the subject matter were several pages devoted to the Berwyn UFO crash. No one really could have predicted the content, in Dodd's book, but the few pages devoted to the alleged Berwyn crash event shed a new light on the incident which it seems prompted a rethink by John Williams and the disinfo' clowns who I believe were behind him.

(Reference:  Alien Investigator - Ed)

In 1999, Alien Investigator became a very popular book being read by a lot of existing UFO enthusiasts and of course more dangerously for the Authorities, a new crop of recruits to the pro-ET visitation cause. What was interesting about the book, was Tony Dodd suggested that the Berwyn UFO crash might not have been a crash at all. In fact he had alluded to this as far back as 1996, the very same year John Williams suddenly burst onto the scene and who was, by 1997, trying to sell the hoax to Margaret Fry and others.

Now of course, if there was no Cader Berwyn UFO crash, then the story being pushed as to how that crash occurred simply could not be true. The whole hoax was in jeopardy. And something had to be done to rescue it.

However, returning to the disinformation Tony Dodd had received - for that is clearly now what it was - he published an account given to him by an alleged military serviceman who he claimed he had checked out. The full version (see Appendix One) is in the book of course, but essentially, on the 18th of January 1974, a military unit in the south of England was put on standby to move north at short notice. On the 19th, it was at Birmingham, then Chester. On the 20th they were ordered to Llangollen.

Not of this World

On arrival, the unit was split into four groups. About 11.30 am five of the unit in total were sent to Llandderfel where they then loaded two large, oblong boxes into their vehicle. They were ordered to take the cargo direct to the Chemical and Biological Defence Establishment Porton Down.

The story goes that en route they stopped for refreshments but were approached by a civilian-dressed man who produced ID and told them to carry on and not stop. They arrived at Porton Down and then, bizarrely, the boxes were opened right in front of these delivery boys who were then greeted with the sight of two creatures within decontamination suits. When the suits were opened it was obvious to the men that the creatures were not of this world.

It was further claimed in the statement given to Dodd that the other elements of the unit had transported live aliens to Porton Down and other units had recovered a 'large' craft which had crashed.

Dodd had the foresight to write that, although he thought the informant sincere, some of the report was based on hearsay. For example, he only heard of the live aliens from other soldiers as did talk of a crash recovery. But then he further included some crucial wording which I believe was soon hijacked to advance the hoax.

I would also point out here the discrepancy in the dates. The Berwyn UFO event occured on the evening of Wednesday 23rd of January 1974, but Dodd's informant said he collected the boxes on the 20th of Jan'.

Tony Dodd explains this away by including that the soldier suggested he wasn't really sure of the dates. I find it strange that he could recall times and destinations, but not the correct date! In fact as this was disinformation being fed to Dodd, I believe the informant knew the correct date but applied a bit of psychology, deliberately trying to look sincere by being 'honest' about his uncertainty of the dates. It was a double bluff.

A Landing, not a Crash

Returning to that crucial wording, Dodd wrote that there was eye-witness evidence of a craft taking off. I am aware of this myself as two witnesses saw it pass over their village of Llangynog a few miles further along the B4391. So, if it crashed and took off again, there could be no alien bodies or a crash retrieval. In fact, by 2006, I was myself was starting to suggest that there had been no crash, but a landing based on other evidence I'd acquired.

Dodd then goes on to add (he clearly bought into the crash scenario) that there were probably two alien landings - one a crash and one a conventional landing - and that the craft seen departing had been attempting to rescue its colleagues.

This was pure supposition and was, I believe, a combination of his clinging to a crash scenario and also, that he knew there was actually a second UFO in the mix. Although he never published it in his book, he and Margaret Fry shared a lot of information and there is no way that, by the time of publication in 1999, he did not know of the naval exercise at Puffin Island and the claim that two UFOs had been forced out of the sea. Margaret knew of JW's story in 1997.

It is clear that as early as 1996 Dodd had suggested that the Berwyn UFO had in fact been a landing rather than a crash and this was reiterated in his book published in 1999. It was further clear that the scenario of a landing, if it took hold, would undermine the hoax already being foisted on Margaret Fry or anyone else. So, for the hoax to then work, there had to be a crash.

Six - Russ Kellett