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On how IP addresses can be the downfall
of an impersonator and hoaxer

The three part "Saga" that also tells how UK UFO investigator
Darren Perks
impersonated Linda Moulton-Howe and others!

The continuation of this article may be seen in

Impersonation - Part Two
Linked from the bottom of this page

Part Three - Conclusion
(is linked from Part Two)


Over a period of several weeks in early 2013 we received anonymous (or so the sender thought) messages via our website online contact form. These messages started arriving shortly after Xpose UFO Truth uncovered the The Case of the Alamo, Nevada, Sphere UFO hoax.

Please note that, at the same time, we had been working on and exposing the Orange Sphere over the Wrekin hoax!

What the sender did not realise was that the IP addresses had all been recorded!

Mr. Phil Hoyle received similar types of messages via his own online contact forms. Those IP addresses were also recorded.

In this presentation we hope to demonstrate how IP addresses can be the downfall of the would-be impersonator.

The images presented on this page are screenshots of documents taken over the period in question. Times shown in logs are E.S.T.

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The "characters" who were sending messages to Xpose UFO Truth were as follows:

9th January 2013 - "Terry Spencer" (terryspencer55@aol.com) - a common alias of Darren Perks.

10th January 2013 - Shane Game (shane.game@ymail.com) - real or not, we don't know!

10th January 2013 - Phil Hoyle (phil.hoyle@yahoo.co.uk) - our colleague/friend! Ridiculous!

11th January 2013 - Timothy Beckley (gotcha@gmail.com) - a real person. Probably the silliest message we ever received.

14th January 2013 - E. J. Thomas (xutlady@aol.com) - my own "handle" and a made up email address using that handle to write to me.

11th February 2013 - Steve Bratton (sales@brattonscenery.com) - a real person who works in Toronto.

14th February 2013 - Mel Trind (slapper69@cnet.com) - a short form of the name of a person known to us.

4th March 2013 - Harry the Hoaxer (harrythehoaxer@fake.com) - contained offensive language!

Here we show our favourite two examples from the above list. The messages from Terry Spencer on 9th January 2013 and from Timothy Beckley on 11th January 2013. The Timothy Beckley message has always been our favourite.

Later visits by this particular static IP address were through Hide My Ass proxy, but it appeared not to work too well as the IP address was clearly visible as were the details of the sender's computer.

This is a screenshot of the log for the Report Form page on our website. Note the times of the events indicated by the red arrows match those of the times of the two communications from "Terry Spencer" and "Timothy Beckley." Click on the image to view full size version.

NOTE: We have the IP addresses of all the various senders on file!

Then, on 14th March 2013, we received an email communication from Darren Perks via our website email address.

Perks had apparently been informed about our website by his lawyer!

The email was advising us to be careful with what we wrote about Perks as he was getting legal advice.

(We were wondering if Perks was going to ask Carter-Ruck Law Firm if they would defend him and his hoaxes!) He seemed to think that we were ridiculing him regarding the "Cosford Incident" to which he claims to have been a witness.

The content of the email and full headers may be seen by clicking on the images below.

On entering the full headers into an email finder application the following information came to light.
Click on the images below to see the full size versions.

So, from the above information gleaned from the headers, we find that the originating IP address of the 14th March 2013 email to Xpose UFO Truth from Darren Perks was That IP address is not evident in the headers but only emerges after putting the headers through the application process.

We find the tale about the lawyer advising Perks of our website a tad difficult to believe. The reason for this is that the aforementioned static IP address had been observed many times in our tracking logs for our website.

This was a curious page for Perks to check on 9th January 2013 soon after he discovered our site! Motives of an Internet Bully - an article that I wrote in 2010.
Click on the image to view full size version.

We had many visits from the static IP address both from a computer and an iPhone.

The case of The Alamo Sphere UFO was frequently visited by that particular IP address.
Click on the images below to see the full size versions.

Note in this batch of entries that the "Hide My Ass" proxy has been used but does not appear to cloak the originating static IP address
Click on the image to view the full size version.

Let us now go back to 2012 and review the emails and anonymous (or so the sender thought) messages that Mr. Phil Hoyle received via the contact forms on his APFU and UFOIRU websites.

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On 21st May 2012 Mr. Phil Hoyle received an email communication from a "Terry Spencer." It appeared that this individual was interested in accompanying Mr. Hoyle on his fieldwork.

(This date just happens to be when Darren Perks returned to the UK from his United States Conspiracy Road Trip, UFOs excursion. It was also three days after my membership for Darren Perks' UFO Shropshire website was approved.)

Mr. Hoyle responded to "Terry Spencer" on 27th May 2012 and received another communication on 31st May 2012.

We noted that "Terry Spencer" seemed a bit confused as to how to spell his hometown!

The headers of the 31st May 2012 email showed the following information. Please click on the images below to view the full size versions.

Just to get readers up to speed as it were, "Terry Spencer" was active again on 17th December 2012 when he sent a sheep mutilation report to Richard D. Hall, David Cayton and now retired police officer Gary Heseltine.

The complete and totally ludicrous tale may be read on Terry and Bob's Excellent Adventure.

Also on that page one can read of how Darren Perks was set up by "Terry Spencer" and his friend "Bob" when Perks was called away from a computer terminal in a "web cafe" in Los Angeles in December 2012.

"Terry Spencer" is a very ubiquitous person indeed!

Darren Perks is a bit of a traveller too. He emailed me on the 16th December 2012 advising me of an upcoming skywatch that he was organising in Shropshire. Recall that I had been approved as a "member" of his UFO Shropshire website on 18th May 2012 just before Perks returned from the U.S. on his "Road Trip" jaunt.

Click on the image below to see the full size version of the "skywatch" email sent from Perks' iPhone 4s.

The story of the "web cafe" in Los Angeles was a ruse on Perks' part to explain away the Alamo Sphere UFO hoax that he perpetrated on 29th December 2012.

The 17th December 2012 is important for another reason also. That was the day that Perks, posing as Xpose UFO Truth and using the "xutlady" name/handle, was posting on the Above Top Secret forums busily defaming Mr. Phil Hoyle, myself and our research.

See HOAX WATCH for the details

Let us now return to June 2012

On 6th June 2012 Mr. Hoyle received an anonymous (or so the sender thought) message via his UFOIRU website contact form. This communication was from a "Mrs. Mary Hay," Her Majesty's Customs and Revenue, Cardiff.

Mrs. Hay does exist and works within the upper levels of Her Majesty's Customs and Revenue. It would be somewhat surprising that someone in her position would be so poor in spelling and grammar!

Stranger still is why any officer of Her Majesty's Government would contact Mr. Hoyle through his website contact form instead of the usual method of a 'phone call.

Click on the images below to view the full size versions.

When Mr. Hoyle checked his email form data for this particular message from "Mrs. Mary Hay" the following information was revealed.
Click on the images to view the full size versions.

The same static IP address had shown up in the headers of several emails from Darren Perks to Phil Hoyle earlier in 2012. One such email is included below dated 13th February 2012.

Click on the images below to view the full size versions of the email content and headers.


What conclusions can we draw from the above evidence?

It is shown from the above screenshots that the email sent to Mr. Phil Hoyle on 13th February 2012 was sent by Darren Perks from his Integrity Financial Services workplace. The originating IP address of that email to Mr. Phil Hoyle was

That same static IP address was extracted from the headers of the email sent to Xpose UFO Truth on 14th March 2013 by Darren Perks.

That same static IP address, now established to have belonged to Darren Perks working at Integrity Financial Services in Shrewsbury, has appeared in many entries in our Xpose UFO Truth website logs since we exposed the Alamo Sphere UFO hoax at the beginning of January 2013.

We have to draw the conclusion that it is quite likely that this same individual, Darren Perks, using the static IP address wrote the "Terry Spencer" emails to Mr. Phil Hoyle on 21st and 31st May 2012.

It is quite likely that this same individual using the static IP address also sent the "anonymous" message from "Mrs Mary Hay" of HMRC, Cardiff, to Mr. Hoyle via his UFOIRU website contact form.

Impersonation of an officer of Her Majesty's Government?

Probably not a good idea!


An interesting turn of events occurred on 3rd June 2013.

A contact of ours in the UK informed us that a comment had been submitted to their website - Darren Perks Watch - apparently written by the investigative researcher and journalist Linda Moulton-Howe, who was supporting Darren Perks. The comment was awaiting moderation as all comments do, but when the originating IP address was checked, it turned out to belong to a very regular visitor to our Xpose UFO Truth website.

Here is a screenshot of the entry on Darren Perks Watch:

When we compared that particular IP address with numerous entries in our own website logs, the familiar "Hide My Ass" element was evident in relation to this particular static IP address

Click on the images below for full size versions.

These entries were logged on our Alamo Sphere UFO page

NOTE: On our SIRIUS - THE MOVIE page we describe how Darren Perks took it upon himself to upload Dr. Steven Greer's SIRIUS documentary on to his own Youtube Channel, and much more besides!

It could be a coincidence that Linda Moulton-Howe does use "Hide My Ass" but, as the originating static IP address was traced to an iPhone on Talk Talk Wolverhampton, it is highly unlikely that Ms. Moulton-Howe submitted that comment.

It is more likely that it was Darren Perks on his iPhone on Talk Talk Wolverhampton. That Talk Talk Wolverhampton iPhone user constantly and obsessively frequents the exact same pages that were being visited by static IP address also using "Hide My Ass."

We await confirmation from the webmasters at Darren Perks Watch when they hear back from Linda Moulton-Howe regarding this submission.

In the meantime, our case rests!

UPDATE - 4th June 2013

Linda Moulton-Howe responds

We received a communication this morning informing us that Linda Moulton-Howe has responded regarding the impersonation of herself on the Darren Perks Watch website 'blog.

Click on the screenshot below to view Linda Moulton-Howe's response including Cease and Desist on the above 'blog.

One has to wonder why Perks would perpetrate such a hoax by impersonating Linda Moulton-Howe. Back in January 2013 he keenly stated on his Facebook:

"One of the greatest people in Ufology.
Check out Linda's website

Notes - 5th June 2013

Over the period of time during which we have been observing the antics of this impersonator and hoaxer we have come across a large number of 'blogs, forums, online "newspaper" sites (like Huffington Post,) and UFO reporting sites with comment sections.

One such site was the Ancient Aliens Blog where Nick Pope apparently made suggestions regarding the next series to be produced.

Note that Nick Pope mentions Darren Perks in his posting. We do not know for sure whether or not Nick Pope made that comment, so, for now, this is a "possible" impersonation.

However, for Mr. Pope to spell the word "ley" with the letter "a" i.e. "lay lines," "invovled" (typo?) - then add the unnecessary "etc.," a common Perksism - the posting does seem somewhat suspect to us.

Regarding the authenticity of the above mentioned alleged comment by "Nick Pope" on the Ancient Aliens Blog, Mr. Scott Felton contacted Mr. Pope for verification of authorship. The conversation was as follows:

Conversation started today (5th June 2013)

Scott L Felton

Hi Nick.

Sorry to bother you.
You will no doubt be aware that Darren Perks is under substantial suspicion for among other things, faking UFO sightings, embellishing other sightings, stealing copyright and impersonating other Ufology enthusiasts and investigators.

The following has just been copied from a Darren Perks 'contribution'. I and others believe this to be fake until such time as evidence is provided to the contrary.

Would you be so kind as to confirm if you did or did not construct and publish this.


Scott L. Felton

Nick Pope

Although I've discussed the Cosford incident frequently on TV and in other media interviews, I didn't write this post.

Nick Pope

Given that I'm a regular contributor to Ancient Aliens, if I had a suggestion for a future episode I'd email it directly to one of the producers, rather than leave a comment on a blog somewhere. There are plenty of fake "Nick Pope" profiles out there; I hardly ever post comments on news stories, blogs, forums, etc.

Scott L Felton

Ok Nick. Thank you very much for replying. Much appreciated.


Screenshot of conversation


On these various sites we would find troops of Perks' supporters but then we started to compare the writing styles of these characters.

It did not take long to be able to recognise the inimitable writing style and figure out that a certain poster was, more than likely, Perks himself.

Sometimes the characters would have everyday names such as "Ed" or "Mike," but then there were the names that seemed to be those of known researchers in the UFO and related fields.

Here are some of the "characters" that we came across in our "travels."

On the MUFON Alamo sphere page where Perks had submitted the "bright sphere" story together with the doctored photo on 30th December 2012 we found the following:

"Alfred W" said that the unravelling of the hoax was a good thing, and claimed that Perks was in Las Vegas again speaking openly about the hacking incident! He thought that Perks did some good research and has a vast amount of info.

"Peter Jones" (Phil Hoyle has a friend and colleague named Peter Jones,) suggested that "Malcolm Williams" the Toronto investigator should be able to throw some light on the "setup." "After all he boasts about knowing it all and xposing the truth..."

"Malcolm Williams" is a researcher and is mentioned in Hugh Cochrane's book "Gateway to Oblivion" and in Commander X's book "Underground Alien Bases," - specifically relating to Lake Ontario. Both books are mentioned on our Orbwatch website which Perks was poking about in at the beginning of January 2013.

We actually met the real Malcolm Williams back in the summer of 1998 over dinner in Niagara-on-the-Lake.

We did notice that there was a "Malcolm Williams" from Florida popping up on Youtube commenting and supporting Perks. The Youtube account appears to no longer exist.

On that same page on MUFON was a comment by a "Steve Thomas" who supported Perks and the story about how Perks was hacked by a member of his own UFO Shropshire group. "It was a clear hoax but no fault of Darren's." "Steve Thomas" claimed to have spent two years investigating with Perks.

In the comments below a Shropshire Star article about the Wrekin crop formation of July 2012 we found comments by "Richard Hall," "Roy Dutton," and "Dave Hodden," (a variant on a known researcher's name.) All were supporting Perks and his Wrekin crop circle research. Perks also posted as himself and as UFO Shropshire on that page!

"Dave Hodden" peppered his input with many Perksisms such as "to be fair," "rubbish," "bloke," "etc.," "negative," as he told how Perks is well known as a "ufolgist" in the UK and the world.

We also saw a "Shane" commenting there, and "Shane Game" was a character who wrote to Xpose UFO Truth (as mentioned at the top of this page.) "Shane" appeared to have very similar writing skills to Perks.

He even used the phrase "damn iPhone keyboard," which were the exact words used by Perks in a comment under a Huffington Post article.

The "Shane Game" who sent us the ridiculous tale about Perks working "closely with Bigelow Aerospace" in Las Vegas was using an iPhone on Tiscali, Wolverhampton and was a very frequent visitor to our Xpose UFO Truth site.

"Shane" told us that Perks "frequently visits the US and meets with Bigelow management and has been seen numerous times at their office in Las Vegas. He was apparently approached by them in 2011, and since has worked closely with them."

If Perks had been travelling overseas as much as he and others have suggested recently, then it is curious how we received obsessive daily visits from the same IP addresses from a trusty iPhone! One would think that travelling overseas the visits would display more variety of IP addresses and locations!

As mentioned earlier, Perks is certainly a ubiquitous individual with a grand array of loyal supporters.

Or are these frequent trips and numerous supporters just figments of Perks' overactive imagination?

Our investigation into how IP addresses can betray the identity of a hoaxer and impersonator continues in


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